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Old Stopham bridge - Kevan Koya
'Old Stopham bridge' painting in watercolours by Kevan Koya

Old Stopham bridge

Chiselled and finely crafted stone
rise up
from out of the water
forming elegant archways
solid and strong
It reminds me
of the power of faith
and the unremitting love,
that I feel you have for me.
Like an arm, you reach out,
In strength and trust,
to span across the river Arun,
forging a pathway of stone.
And, as I take those steps
through all of life's challenges,
in a world shadowed, by uncertainty and discord,
you give me the confidence and belief,
that you'll guide me safely
across to the other side.

Words by Kevan Koya, December 2006

In this poem, the bridge represents our pathway through life and the river represents life itself, sometimes calm, sometimes turbulent. The stone that makes the bridge is our belief and faith in God.

Copyright Kevan Koya

Last Updated 16/12/2023